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Home > Principal's Desk

Mrs. Manisha Mahajan


Education is about awakening –Awakening to the insight, power and beauty that lies within all of us.

To my mind education as an idea, is not just about bricks ,mortar and concrete , but about building character , enriching minds and about varied experiences that last a lifetime.

As our school’s vision is to provide quality education, complete in all respects and enabling the students to grow into successful, globally minded, morally upright, worthy individuals, we at BIA are committed to an integrated curriculum approach through inquiry learning. The development of higher order thinking skills, risk taking ,adaptability, cooperation, and communication techniques are fostered.

We provide a platform to the students to showcase their inborn talents. We also take utmost care in moulding our children as responsible global citizens. All the necessary experiences are provided to the student community so that we can see them soar to new heights and taste success in all their endeavors. We are convinced that education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one

I expect sincere cooperation from parents and guardians for the attainment of the school's objectives.

Mrs. Manisha Mahajan


Bensons International Academy (BIA) is recognized as one of the premiere schools in Belgaum, Karnataka . Established in 2012, BIA has a proud heritage of providing quality education and our vision guides all school improvement efforts with a special emphasis on intellectual development and cross-cultural understanding.



Savagaon Road, Benkanhalli, Belagavi, INDIA +91-9880837305 0831-2485521


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